Entertainment Libraries

 I have maintained libraries of movies and other media since the days of VHS tapes. The libraries have evolved through from VHS to DVDs to Blu-ray discs to Streaming, and have resulted in extensive collections of movies, ballet and opera performances and other things on DVD and Blu-ray discs. Synopses of selected movie and television series are also available.

I also have an extensive music collection of CDs and downloaded mp3s from Amazon Music. Individual downloaded music from You Tube is listed here.

My top 50 favorite movies are not necessarily movies that I consider best, but rather are favorites because of emotions elicited or other factors.  I have all 50 on DVD or Blu-ray discs.  A slide show of the disc covers can be found below.

My Top 50 Favorite Movies

DVD & Blu-ray Library

Music CDs & Downloaded Amazon.mp3 Files.

DVD & BD Series Episode & Film Guides (Shortcuts)

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