I arrived at Rhein Main Air Base and was trying to figure out how I would get to my assignment in downtown Frankfurt when I was met by a Warrant Officer-1 who saluted me, which surprised me, and I almost knocked my hat off returning his salute. He turned out to be my sponsor who took me to V Corps headquarters in the I.G. Farben building and helped get me settled in. As no bachelor officer quarters were available, I was assigned to a German hotel nearby. Two or three weeks later I was assigned bachelor quarters which consisted of a bedroom, living room and bathroom. I put a small cover and a pair of slim candles on the coffee table to make it a little homier. Marilee was astounded at my domesticity when she and the kids arrived.
I was assigned as the Chief of the Order of Battle section of V Corps G2. The section consisted of three Warrant Officers, counting myself, one Sergeant First Class and four specialists. A bit of tension occurred when a new Colonel was named the new G2 (Intelligence Officer). I had access to Special Intelligence, but he didn’t as his special background check had not yet been completed. He expressed annoyance at this situation a number of times.
My biggest achievement during this assignment was that I authored the Corps Intelligence Estimate which was later adopted by U.S. Army Europe and later, NATO’s Central Group.