XXIV Corps — Danang, Vietnam 1971 – 1972

XXIV Corps Shoulder Patch

When I arrived at XXIV Corps headquarters, I was assigned to the Order of Battle (OB) section of the corps G2 (Intelligence staff).  The section consisted of three lieutenants, a Sergeant First Class and several OB analysts.  Less than a week later the three lieutenants were transferred, leaving me as the only officer. I was flattered that the G2 thought me capable of replacing three officers but also felt a bit overwhelmed. I was later given another warrant officer, an additional NCO, and more OB analysts. The analysts were well educated and smart.

An OB section determines, and keeps tabs on enemy unit structure, equipment and dispositions. We had both North Vietnamese regular army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC) guerillas in our corps sector. The VC were, by their nature were more difficult than the NVA to keep tabs on.

My OB Section
Listening to a report
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