Tank Company, 9th Infantry — 74th Tank Company —Company A, 40th Armor
I arrived at Fort Lewis in September 1955 and was assigned to Tank Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. Initially I was assigned as a gunner in an M48A1 tank. Soon thereafter, we were notified the regiment and the 23rd Infantry Regiment would be gyroscoping to Alaska, with the 9th going to Ladd AFB (Fairbanks)and the 23rd to Fort Richardson (Anchorage).
We were given five M41A1 light tanks to familiarize with as those were the type of tanks were going to have in Alaska. The motor sergeant asked me if I would be interested in being the parts clerk, inferring it would mean faster promotion. I accepted and even though it didn’t help promotions, it kept me warm indoors while the tankers were out in the weather.
We embarked to Alaska from Seattle via a troopship. My mother, Aunt Dolly, Cousin Ray, and sister Kathy came to wave goodbye to us. We never lost sight of land during the entire voyage from Seattle to Anchorage “Steerage Class.” We were packed in liked sardines but could go on deck for fresh air (if you didn’t mind the cold breeze). Although this was my first sea voyage, traveling via troopship isn’t really the same experience as a cruise ship. There wasn’t a lot to do except play cards.
The two-year tour in Alaska was mostly enjoyable and adventurous. There were lots of new experiences, such as having an icicle form in your mouth when yawning, continuous dark in the winter and continuous daylight in the summer. During the two years I was in Alaska, the Army reorganized, replacing regiments with battle groups and then into brigades. Our company became the 74th Tank Company and, finally, A Company, 40th Armor. We were happy to no longer be part of an infantry unit.

I almost died from carbon monoxide poisoning being towed by cable to another tank following an aborted fording of the Tanana River. Then too, I got to go moose and caribou hunting but never bagged any.
I have too many fond memories of my time in Alaska to recount here but some pictures are below. I left Fairbanks the day Congress passed the statehood bill— everybody went wild. Some pictures are below.